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Magnetic World

The observation the we are all born on the same planet and live in the same time period is something that can be subjective based on ones observation. Where one lives on one part of the planet is irrevocably different than another part of the world. One would say this would be due to cultural and environmental norms of that region, and that would be so. It’s when we actually observe the history of our planet and confirm the connectivity of our planet today, that one can start to assume that the creation of a society to be a mental aspect of region. The magnetic field of sky and Earth.

Societies in the past understood their connection to the Earth and we have ancient technology around our planet to confirm this. The Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia, The great Pyramid in Egypt, and similar technology around the world. A magnetic conductor of the earth polarizing the magnetic field within the earth using using a different study of stars. Magnetic study of astronomy. Before we even get into the teck lets talk about timelines and sections of the sky.

When observing different sections of the sky and the difference in scale of observation to the sky, we can start to see how the ancient Mayans mapped the constellations with absolute precision and accuracy. We can also start to observe how ancient tech like a Pyramid could be used. When looking at the night sky one is looking at the observable past for an entire section of the sky, a quantifiable section of space which is maliabe to local and observation of time-space. Each section of space, a different observable field in reference to the land where one is and the magnetic field within the earth.

From the study that the Earth is the center of the universe and all studies have proven this in recent science and ancient. The simple logic that our telescopes look out from a center point being Earth or the outer atmosphere. Earth would be center for us and telescope looking out into the stars. A different measures of how to use magnetics in reference to different equations based on sections of the sky and Earth, would bring us to a study of science where we use the earths magnetic field in sequence to the outer atmospheres’ magnetic field.

When thinking about ancient technology like The Pyramid of the Sun, The Great Pyramid, or the ancient mountain Kailash. Where the magnetic field of the Earth is honed to specific geometric patterns of the sky’s magnetic fields, one can observe how a society and culture can create a reality based on a geometric study of the magnetic field. A infinite source of energy being honed by the earths magnetic field and polarized by the tech in the lower atmosphere. Creating a pole aspect of magnetism.

Today our society is absolutely connected the entire world is based on the field of study which states an electron revolves around a proton. We know that the actuality in quantum physics is that, that is just one observation to/of and as time-space. Our entire world society is connected through one study of science. In my eyes an opportunity to create a change in science and our world which can be observable.

More importantly than the great pyramid, is the fact that pyramids of all sizes have been found all around the world. In some regions of the Himalayas, one can actually spot and quantify a man made mountain, based on how the magnetic field of the mountains is in reference to its soroundings.

We have timezones ‘to’ section off different parts of the earth in reference to what the time is. To the same respect one can section off entire locations of the night sky, and each section of the sky a different observable field of magnetism ‘to’ the region of the earth. Timelines based on the freequency of the local, sky and Earth. Timezones today, in study actually give us an opportunity to look at the study of magnetic of Earth and upper atmosphere from a totality new perspective.

Now when thinking about the world and the connectivity today, we find that there isn’t a separation between people anymore. Culturally 50 cent took care of that with candy shop! What we really observe is the magnetic fields of timelines where people perceive from. Timeline not in reference to period of time, region of earth or culture, but to the magnetic field of regions. “To that as to of as to that “, the equation in language format. Today because the world is connected socially the magnetic fields in reference frequency can actually be applicable with the sky and earth in concern. The word timeline no longer denotes to region or culture or a people, but to quantifying magnetic field where we perceive from which can than be applied equationally. One can see how creating a new reality or a new tech, in reference to solar energy would change the world, perhaps that entire observable timeline (freequency/magnetic field). The application of magnetic field’s of sky and earth; the definition of the frequency, of magnetic fields being defined as timelines, allows application of the entre frequency, and that my friends is where it gets fun. For the application of geometry in reference to electrons being movable aspects of an entire magnetic field, is an aspect of plasticity of time-space. Earth and Sky !!!The magnetics of Earth and sections of the sky come into place when learning or writing an equation for electrons to associate with the magneics of the upper atmosphere, the Earth, and the lower atmosphere being the pole of electide or gemoetric structure where the frequency is applied. We can see today how quantum physics, and a study of magnetics will further free the world.

The fact that the world society today is based on a single field of study allows great opportunity to understand sections of the sky the geometric association of electide structure of magnetic fields as a single electron, can be a start to applying magnetic tech once again. Different sections of the sky being quantified in aspects of the lower atmosphere and the land. One can see how creating a free electrical band with for an entire section of the world, say the entire east coast of America can be done with applying an equation of the entire section of the night sky the magnetic structure of an electide , and the electron being the applicable format of its geometri counterpart the magnetic field of the sky and of the Earth. The earths magnetic field, polarizing the freequency, or timline in observation to an entire section of the sky. This gives equational application of the magnetic field of Earth to devices that on a micro scale creates the same frequency of the upper atmosphere.

So, today we have a study of timezones in reference to sections of the Earth. We can now start to see how our current study of timezones is just one study of time being perceived from different parts of our globe. A new or perhaps older study of sections of the sky can be observable where an entire section of the sky is defined ‘as’ a timeline ‘to ‘ freequency ‘of’ magnetic structure ‘as’ electides ‘to’ an electron. The sky and earth being the geometric aspect of the electron.

You never know we might just see a new world sooner than you think!!



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