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Earth Magnetics

The infinite and abundant source of energy on this planet and in the solar system is dumbfounding. To reiterate what the physicist Michio Kaku "a civilization would go through 3 phases in development". The first being a society that learns how to control planetary power, manipulate earth's magnetics, volcano's, earth quakes etc... A type 2 civilization being that when a people learn how to use and apply the energy from the sun. The magnetic of 2 dimensions in fractal, where each star is a point in spectrum to the center black hole and the totality of the magnetic field of the sun is applicable 3 dimensionally. A type 3 civilization is that when society is harnessing and applying the energy of millions of stars, or spectrum, in magnetic field of the galaxy.

Our society today, is like hot pockets, we need the cheese a little more geuy... We're just now learning to harness the power of hydro electric and wind energy, and only in the aspect motion or movement (propulsion based tech). The entire scale and scope in the magnetics of the atmosphere, or the ocean can be applied. I rather harness the power of the micro oven than absorb the heat inside a hot pocket...

With scales of magnetic in concern to observable degree's of scale in 3 dimensions of matter (constituity), the constitution of atoms and molecular structure are aspects of the field. The distance or scope between atoms can be manipulated from the electrical constitution of atoms. The fractaling aspect of ionization in specific regions such as mountains, the ocean, and forest deem scales of magnetic connecitivity in scope and can be applied in sequence to a 3 dimensional scale of region. The magnetic field of Earth being the aspect in constitution of connectivity in field, and the field being that where proportion of time is given. 3 dimensions of linearity can be manipulated magnetically and mass be a focal or variable in field . (the constituity and connection of atoms electrically).

The ocean being the easiest example with the magnetic field and current running through its entirety allowing for an easily measurable electric current and scale of Earth's magnetic field. When thinking about a region such as the ocean scope is given and scale can be determined magnetically. With the constitution of atoms in concern, the magnetic field becomes the paramount aspect for connectivity proportion of time and scope in area and the manipulation in 3 dimensions of linearity is possible.

Aspects of whether to occur within magnetic proportion of scale is where atmospheric change occurs in region or can be manipulated. The measure or scale being the entire region of the magnetic field, and with the ocean in hand the entire magnetic field of Earth. Once scale is determined, than scope can be determined magnetically and the proportion of time within the field applicable.

Also what come into play with the manipulation of magnetic fields is the creation and alteration of 3 dimensional matter as the scope of linearity, 'of'. The scale of linear movement in scope of the matter. For example cell division, the linear aspect of cells dividing being scale of linearity in the scope of the magnetic field which surround the matter (area).

The ocean with a magnetic field running through its entirety becomes a simple measure to scale connectivity in the Earth's magnetic field. Based on the actual electrical currents, proportion of scale and scope within & as 'spectrum' in/as/of the oceans magnetic field.(remember the ocean isn't separated by land its separated by name). The scale and scope of 3 dimensions being the aspect of totality in magnetic field from space to the center of Earth. The proportion in scale of time to the atmosphere and the ocean, allows for an understanding of whether, whether creation, and manipulation from/as&to the magnetic field. The scale of proportion and scope within/as&of magnetic field to&as the atmosphere.

Another example of a different scale in the constitution of 3 dimensions of matter would be a mountain. Where the scale of the 'entire' connectivity as the earth's magnetic field allows, for a dip, pole, and scale in terms of region to the magnetic center of Earth and the upper atmosphere to the magnetic field in space ('entire' being scaled as proportion). A dip and pole in magnetics of the region where the ground is raised up. Where the Magnetic field of the atmosphere and the raised ground, is in pole to the constitution of atoms 'of' the mountain. The aspect of ionization of different scope in connectivity gives a varied aspect of scale in magnetics and atoms, also the entire scale of the magnetic field as the area can be given scope to one atom.

With a mountain in concern would be a negative pole to the upper atmosphere and a negative pole to the magnetic field surrounding the mountain. This allows for energy or CME ejections from space which reach the Earth to be absorbed magnetically and released into the ground.

The understanding of Mountain magnetics ; poles and dips in the same magnetic field's constitution (connectivity of atoms) is the start to understanding, and mimicking in technology the abundant source of energy from Cme's in the upper atmosphere. Harnessing the polarized energy to applicable formats on the earth's surface.

Forms of technology to polarize of the Earth's magnetic field in space to&as the lower atmosphere, and the surface is the start to whether control and manipulation. With land based tech at hand where the magnetics of space and the lower atmosphere can be polarized into the ground is a start to a free electrical bandwidth on the ground. The electrical bandwidth being the polarization of the same constituity in connection of atoms from space to the Earth.Pyramids being the only, example of technology like this.

Pyramid of the sun, The Great Pyramid of Giza, The recent pyramids found in Crimea, smaller pyramids in China, and the pyramids in South America, (which are based for a different purpose in magnetics). Throughout the world we find ancient structures of civilization's more developed than ours, which implies to an ancient connected world. Whether it be trade, science or language.

The study of mountain magnetics in observation of 3 dimensions of linearity and the constitution of matter electrically is the start to understand the possibility of these ancient structures possibly being Tools or power grids for energy.

Our current society, if technologically we created a generator providing free electricity for an entire region of a continent...Well our economic structures of commerce, the need for certain degree's, the need for power grids, the distribution aspect of electricity, the manufacturing & commerce of light bulbs which probably provides 10 million jobs in China would all have to change and would be eliminated. Free electricity means a more abundant and sustainable life for you and future generations, and on the other side a shot at the entire economic structure and how we look at the world.

Theories are had. Concept in structure. The fact we face as a society is will we keep limiting our actual development and the measure to create a more abundant life for future generations? Will we create technology based on a commerce structure to gain?

The competitive aspect in business and technology in the past 30 years has brought us a more connected and abundant world. With that said the decision to truly change the world and make it a more abundant place does not fall on the decision of an organized government, but rather a responsible world. The aspect of us being connected how we are today has been unseen in recorded history, and just as businesses rise and fall, the entire structure of commerce comes into question with technology that could potentially free the world economically.

The question is, will we as a world society or one which is in formation, allow our entire world to go in the direction we create as individuals? Will we let the governments and major corporations direct the world collectively? Today the entire world is connected and at your kitchen table with your laptop. This fact is a variable to where our world will go in the coming years. For we as a people are already connected, and can direct the world collectively.



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