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Fractal Language


L- The connectivity scale in spectrum, of different scale in electricity. The connectivity of electrical particles within a field. The scale where the same electricity in spectrum of connectivity is 'Iron metalic color".

The Sound which is either created by or created the electrical frequency "iron", which can be tested and prove in scientific theory as a laser beem"li". That laser beem being broken up into spectrum if connectivity as linearity occurs within. The applications of this sound, is that of connectivity in spectrum. One electrical bandwidth being broken into spectrum in terms of (time) proportion given to & as (area) linearity. The connectivity in scale of the same electrical bandwidth in terms of proportion of time.

as is to that is as of to that as is, of that is as to that, is.

Magnetic field (That)

'The' state of an area or "that", given proportion in scale of that which is "as". As, termed as constituitity and 'IS', as the focal or one point in the constitution of "that", the area given or a magnetic field. The state or property, the word "of", the area, to & as the magnetic field gives scope as & to aspect in movement measured as spectrum, 'to & as'. As- one point in spectrum of connectivity measures the entire area of 2 proportions, 'to'.

'Of', an area within spectrum giving scale and scope to the entire spectrum or proportion of the area, "that". The connectivity of the field "is as, that of, to that as is". A pole created in spectrum of a magnetic field to give proportion to the entire field and spectrum as connectivity. The entire connectivity in scale and spectrum of a magnetic field, given scale as one point in connectivity, 'as is' -of a magnetic field, then given scale to & as the total area of the magnetic field as "that". The pole in connectivity, the word "of" giving proportion to the entire area as the magnetic field.

Fracta language: gives, given - scope and scale to equations, which are & give proportion to 3 dimensions. The structure in fractal connectivity electrically of atoms, and magnetism in space. Proportion of time or the 4th dimension of time in totality, where orbits are mapped or 3 dimensions of linearity occurs, and is given scope and scale.

'That' given, scale and scope in the proportions of electrical movement within a magnetic field, allows for discharge, at points of local, in terms of electrical points being scaled (as) in the term- 'of'- point's of discharge to the entire connectivity in the magnetic field. The creation of an electrical band width within the spectrum or connectivity of an entire magnetic field (area) becomes the discharge in local mapped 'as'- specific points within the created magnetic field. The points where 'that' is termed as proportion or 'of' to the entire 'area, 'that'- the magnetic field, is as determining specific points in spectrum (angular precision) where 'that', the entire area is given proportion to electrical discharge point .

The constituity of the magnetic field is still to one electron and proton, or one local in spectrum. Where the splitting of the proton or the electrical discharge from one singular local is already mapped in electide structure, the expansion and collapse of the electron structure is scale and scope to the discharge of the proton in electide structure.

Structure of local defined as same time around the proton, or "of"- proportion being given to the entire area, which the electron and proton create. The entire area or "that", the magnetic field of one proton and electron being termed as that which has created the proton and electron. The entire area of the magnetic field is termed and mapped, for 3 dimensons of linearity to occur. The area where linearty or, a single electron and proton are given scale in terms of area, proportion to local and time, or 'Of'.

Of, measured in spectrum of "that', the totality of the electrical discharge , the area, or the magnetifc field of one atom is defined as the creation of the atom, the proton, and electron. The atom in equation being defined as the totality of the created magnetic field ( the creation of linearity within a field).

The study of electide structure is supportive to this theory of magnetic fields. Where the structure of the electron is broken up in connectivity of electrical particles within an electron. This gives scale and scope to local of the same electron around a proton and the discharge electrically, 'of'.



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